Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Edina High School

Edina High School is located in Edina, Minnesota. Located in the heart of typical suburbia, a school with high academic achievement and good athletics. Edina High School has the reputation of being inside what some might call a "bubble". Known for our stereotypical ditsy, spoiled, student population, Edina seems at times in a bubble of ignorance and disconnection from a lot of the harsh realities of today. While these preconceived notions and stereotypes do hold true to a small amount of the student body, the rest of the students here at EHS are different from all of that. Most students at EHS are well rounded, academically driven, individuals.


Jim said...

Nice work getting the blog up and running Sarah. I think you could have gone more in-depth with your description of Edina and perhaps talk about whether you think it's true or not.

Emma's Journalism Blog said...

Wow sar I like your use of words, it creates a good picture about Edina and it was a good topic to talk about, the stereotypical Edina boy/girl. All in all GOOD job :)

Ashley said...

Great words on your blog. paints a picture in my head... The topic was different from anyone elses. way to go.